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Name of Bird / Home

Date number

Turkey Vulture
5/13/2007 two-JGS
Great Blue Heron 11/19/2010 one-JGS
Belted Kingfisher 5/10/2010 two-SNF
Common Loon 3/31/2007 one-BCP

Black Vulture
5/13/2007 2-JGS

Red Shoulder Hawk
5/12/2006 one-CG/BRP

Cooper Hawk
5/13/2007 two-JGS

Peregrine Falcon
5/13/2007 one-JGS
Golden Eagle
4/21/2007 one-DCH
Common Raven 5/13/2007 five-JGS

American Kestrel
10/15/2006 one-PNF/BRP

Red Tail Hawk
11/19/2010 one-JGS

Red Headed Woodpecker
11/19/2010 one-JGS

Red Bellied Woodpecker
11/19/2010 one-JGS

Pleated Woodpecker
11/7/2010 one-JGS
Downy Woodpecker
11/19/2010 one-JGS

American Crow
11/19/2010 two-JGS

Blue Jay
11/19/2010 two-JGS

Yellow-throated Vireo
3/31/2007 two-GSP

Blue Bird
11/19/2010 Four-JGS

American Robin
11/19/2010 two-JGS

Wild Turkey
12/23/2007 15-Tigerville

Tufted Titmice
11/19/2010 four-JGS

Carolina Chickadee
11/19/2010 six-JGS
Black-capped Chickadee 7/16/2006 two-DCH

Carolina Wren
3/31/2007 one-GSP
Winter Wren 7/8/2006 one-DCH

White Breasted Nuthatch
11/19/2010 two-JGS

Red Breasted Nuthatch
3/31/2007 one-GSP

Brown Thatcher
11/19/2010 2-JGS

Brown Creeper
10/15/2006 0ne-PNF/BRP

Northern Mockingbird
3/31/2007 one-JGS

Eastern Phoebe
5/13/2007 one-JGS

Black and White Warbler
11/19/2010 one-JGS

Black-throated Green Warbler
7/8/2006 two-DCH
Black-throated Blue Warbler 5/12/2006 one-CG/BRP

Blackburnian Warbler
6/3/2008 one-JGS

Cerulean Warbler
10/15/2006 one-PNF/BRP

Blackpoll Warbler
7/8/2006 0ne-DCH
Canadian Warbler 7/16/2006 one-DCH
American Redstart 4/21/2007 two-DCH

Chestnut-side Warbler
10/15/2006 one-PNF/BRP

Northern Parula
7/16/2006 one-DCH

Tennessee Warbler
7/8/2006 one-DCH

Yellow-rumped Warbler
11/19/2010 three-JGS

Nashville Warbler
5/12/2006 one-CG/BRP

Song Sparrow
3/17/2007 one-BCP
Chipping Sparrow
10/15/2006 two-PNF/BRP

Eastern Towhee
5/13/2007 one-JGS

Darkeye Junco
5/13/2007 one-JGS
White-throated Sparrow 1/20/2007 two-PNF
Northern Cardinal 3/31/2007 one-JGS

House Finch

American Gold Finch
11/19/2010 one-JGS
Northern Saw-whet Owl 7/8/2006 one-DCH
Eastern Screach Owl 11/19/2010 two-JGS
Great Horn Owl
Ruby-throated Hummingbird 5/13/2007 three-JGS
Cedar Waxwings 7/16/2006 six-DCH
Baltimore Oriole 7/8/2006 four-DCH
Great Creasted Flycatcher 7/8/2006 one-DCH

JGS=Jones Gap/Mountain Bridge State Park

DCH=Devil's Courthouse/Blue Ridge Parkway

BCP=Bad Creek Project

GSP=Gorges State Park

PNF=Pisgah National Forest

PNF/BRP=Pisgah National Forest/Blue Ridge Parkway

SNF=Sumter National Forest

CG/BRP=Craggy Gardens/Blue Ridge Parkway

Data from E-bird
